How does the EasySecure Cloud Platform work?
18 – How do the time registration reports work?
19 – How does the attendance overview work?
20 – How to open a door in the software?
21 – How does the privacy menu work?
Tussentijdse toets 4
1 Quiz
4 – Privacy Menu
22 – How to setup 2FA?
Tussentijdse toets 5
1 Quiz
5 – 2FA
23 – How to setup timed anti-passback?
24 – How does the structure of locations, scanners, doors and zones work?
25 – How to create a time schedule?
26 – How do the access rights work?
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Tussentijdse toets 4
How does the EasySecure Cloud Platform work?
Tussentijdse toets 4
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4 – Privacy Menu
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